From a grand feast for vendors, and a profitable market that will be attractive to all parties, fueling the development of the industry, to a new IT market for vendors and give users a completely new world to experience, the Virtual Reality (VR) is at the center of growing multiple and various excitements and expectations.
Local VR companies including DeePoon,
ANTVR, and 3Glasses are increasingly profitable, while international VR vendors
like Oculus, HTC, and Sony are entering the market.
Once can also observe that, for
personal use, applications of VR are primarily focused in the gaming, film, and
TV industries.
According to IDC, Immersive
gaming and family-oriented IMAX experiences that bring about thrilling visual
effects will quickly draw in consumer demand.
The most active software
vendors are in the development, integration, and marketing of game, film, and
video products. VR devices and related accessories, such as motion controllers,
motion-control apparel like gloves, dynamic seats, and virtual reality
treadmills have become more accessible; driving personal VR applications such
as online shopping, virtual travel and virtual sports are developing.
For industry applications, prospective
markets include: healthcare, live performance, exhibition, driving simulation,
and recreational facilities and more. IDC research indicates that, real estate,
retailing and education are three major industries where VR has great potential.