Key dynamics within the Global Maritime Satellite Communications Market

From powerful trends and interesting drivers to unfavorable economic environment (oversupply in merchant capacity and falling oil prices), the Global Maritime Satellite Communications Market in on interesting curve with a set of aggressive actors like service providers.

Maritime Satellite Communications system.

The market is increasingly influenced by Ever-increasing data communications needs and the massive launch of new generation High Throughput Satellite (HTS) systems.

According to Research and Markets, the value of the global maritime satellite communications market will double over the next decade; and the maritime VSAT market grew by 15% in terminals and 9% in revenues in the last year. 

Research and Markets also reveals that, the global maritime satcom market reached an unprecedented level of 368,000 terminals, $816 million in revenue at the satellite operator level and close to $1.6 billion in revenue at the service provider level. A total of 7 Gbps of C- and Ku-band capacity was used for maritime VSAT business, compared to less than 2 Gbps in 2010. 

As interesting trends and drivers, we have:
  • More managed end-to-end service contracts.
  • The migration from legacy services to higher-frequency bands that allow broadband connectivity.
  • Proprietary milsatcom and commercial systems to find the right balance.
  • A potential for hosted payloads.
  • New applications for specific government requirements.
  • More tracking and monitoring for better asset management.
  • Government maritime, a $60 million market for satellite operators by 2024.
  • A clear trend toward VSAT in upcoming years.