Interesting dynamics within the Worldwide Wearable Device Security Market: (Eyewear, Wristwear, Footwear, Smart Clothing)

We are still at the early stages when it comes to the Worldwide Wearable Device Security Market: (Eyewear, Wristwear, Footwear, Smart Clothing). However it is exciting to observe that, wearable technology is being adopted by almost all the industries.

The positive dynamic is real, despite the security concerns. Challenges related to data privacy are also keen; but a lot of security software providers are entering the market to provide secure solutions to the industry.

According to Research and Markets, the Worldwide Wearable Device Security market will grow at an estimated CAGR of 51.4% during the forecast period 2016-2022.

North America continues to lead the wearable device security markets. 

Among key players of the Wearable Device market, we have: Fitbit, Apple, Google, Garmin, Nike, Microsoft, HP, CrowdOptic, BotFactory, ODG, Biovotion and Innovega.